Sept 28: Own Your Life

Own Your Life – If we give away the freedom to act and think for ourselves, we’re more likely to become victims. This happens when we allow the opinions of others and their actions toward us to matter more than our own feelings about ourselves. We must begin the process of owning all aspects of our lives and actions and take responsibility for every moment and situation. When we do, we prevent others from asserting control over our lives. 


Parents and LC’s: 

Do realize the importance of growth in everyday life. It’s important to see that how we spend our time reflects what is important to us. Some of our routines and tasks are productive and make us stronger, while others have no benefit, weaken us and may be counter-productive to living a great life. How we use our time determines whether we get the most out of each day, which in turn affects our future. 


#OVCA7Mindsets #ownyourlife #100accountable 

#selschool #7mindsets Source: 7 Mindsets