The Time Is Now - Embrace Every Moment


Embrace Every Moment – One measure of our lives is how we feel in each moment. To what degree do we experience positive emotions like joy, love, gratitude, empathy, etc.? When we embrace every moment, we squeeze the most out of all experiences and live lives of greater joy and happiness. We must seek circumstances and moments that create great joy and memories. Even in difficult times, such as losing a loved one, we experience love; while sad, such experiences are still rich and add meaningfully to our lives.  


Parents and LC’s: 

Don’t let regrets pile up in your life or talk excessively to your children about all the things you wish you had done. It’s important for them to see you taking a proactive stance about doing what you want to do and not regretting things that you haven’t done yet. 


#OVCA7Mindsets #SELschool #thetimeisnow #7mindsets #embraceeverymoment Source: 7 Mindsets