The Time Is Now - Let Yourself Be Vulnerable


Let Yourself Be Vulnerable – When we’re vulnerable, we’re in a heightened state of emotion or energy. Whether we’re facing a fear, taking a risk, or expressing a deep emotion, our senses come alive and we really are at our best. Many people don’t allow themselves to be vulnerable, because they believe it’s a sign of weakness. In fact, allowing oneself to be vulnerable shows great strength. The greatest moments in life happen when we’re at our most vulnerable: when we first ride a bike, introduce ourselves to a future companion, or take the game-deciding shot. To become great, we must put ourselves in positions to become great, in which we are vulnerable and step out of your comfort zones. 


Parents and LC’s: 

Do encourage vulnerability. That emotional state brings with it a heightened sensitivity and access to moments of greatness and triumph. Vulnerability is invigorating, and every great dream requires a combination of energy and great enthusiasm to persevere through the difficulties and challenges. 

#OVCA7Mindsets #SELschool #thetimeisnow #7mindsets #letyourselfbevulnerable Source: 7 Mindsets