7 Mindsets: December Focus is Live to Give

We are launching the fourth part of our 7 Mindsets curriculum on Monday, November 30thThe Live to Give Mindset teaches the importance of serving others while maximizing our own potential. It tells us that abundance in life is a cycle; in order to receive love, respect, and financial security, we must first learn to give those things to others. This mindset also teaches us that the greatest gift we can ever give is to find and leverage our unique genius to maximize our positive impact on the world, knowing that good things will be returned to us in kind. In the lessons for this mindset, we guide students to think about the impact they want to make and the legacy they want to leave. 

Live to Give Weekly Learning Objectives: 

  • Nov. 30- Dec. 4Stretch yourself. 
  • Dec7-11Make a difference. 
  • Dec. 14-16Receive gracefully. 
  • Dec. 18-Jan. 6- Winter Break 


Parents and LC’s: 

Do look for ways you and your children can help others and the world. There are several websites and community outreach programs through which we can share our gifts and talents with others. If you or your children are comfortable with the elderly, look for ways to make connections with them and give back in that way. If your children want to help by packing food in boxes, find a way they can do that in your community. As a family, it’s important to establish traditions of giving back to help others.  
