7 Mindsets Week of Jan 18-21: Think Positive

Think Positive – People with a brighter outlook on life are not only happier, but also accomplish more. We must believe there is more for us in life, expect good things from others, and find the positives in all situations. These simple acts make us happier in the moment, and the future becomes infinitely brighter.  


Parents and LC’s: 

Do model self-compassion. We are so hard on ourselves. It is very important to recognize that our children will observe our tendencies, how we talk to ourselves and, unfortunately, how unfairly critical of ourselves we can often be. Work on how you view your own efforts, challenges and successes, and consider the self-image you’re modeling for your children. Don’t forget that they really are more likely to do as we do, rather than as we say. 


#OVCA7Mindsets #SELschool #everythingispossible #7mindsets #thinkpositive 
