7 Mindsets Week of March 7-10

Get in the Zone – When we act out of anger, jealously, or resentment, we almost always get it wrong and cause more harm than good. The key is to recognize when we are out of sorts, stop acting, and figure out a way to get in a better state of mind. When we can do this and get into our zone, the actions we take are much more effective and result in a far more positive outcome. This is not to say that justified anger isn’t appropriate, such as when we react to bullying or discrimination. The key is to think before we act, in all cases.  


Parents and LC’s: 

Do encourage your children to discover what motivates them and what makes them feel powerful. Tapping into these feelings and knowing what tools they might use to get into a “zone” and perform at an optimal level is a win-win for both parents and children. Talking with them about times where they felt their absolute best and figuring out what was unique about those moments is a great way to help them get back there. For some children, it’s a song or routine that makes them feel great. For others, the memory of a time they felt powerful is enough to think back to. 


#OVCA7Mindsets #SELschool #thetimeisnow #7mindsets #getinthezone 
