7 Mindsets Week of March 28-31

Act with Purpose

While all action is significant, the actions we take that align with our dreams are the most powerful. First, they’re part of who we are and matter to us more, so we try harder and work to overcome more when taking them. Second, these are steps directly toward our dreams, giving them a greater impact on the overall quality of our lives. Ask yourself about the actions you’re taking, “Is this helping to bring me closer to living my dreams?” 


Parents and LC’s: 

Don’t focus energy or time on fears. Rather, find ways to overcome your own fears so that your children are inspired to do so as well. Fear prevents you from taking the actions necessary for your success. People who succeed in life know that great rewards exist beyond their conquered fears, and they therefore work constantly to overcome them. 


#OVCA7Mindsets #SELschool #thetimeisnow #7mindsets #actwithpurpose 
