Handbook » Student Conduct & Discipline

Student Conduct & Discipline



PBIS is emphasis on a school-wide system of support that include proactive strategies for defining, teaching, and supporting appropriate student behaviors to create positive school environments. As part of PBIS, OVCA has created the following schoolwide expectations:
  • Be Responsible
  • Be Resilient
  • Be Respectful
Responsibility is a key factor of being successful in an online school. Being responsible would include items such as completing assignments each week by Sunday at midnight, completing all benchmark assessments by the due date, attending all required Class Connect session, responding to emails, and being responsible for your actions at in person events.
Being resilient means not giving up, even when times are challenging. Students need grit and resolve to be successful and school and beyond. Contacting a Teacher/Community Family Advisor when help is needed, asking questions in class, trying your best, reviewing work for to understand and correct errors, not giving up on assignments and introducing yourself to someone new are all ways to be resilient.
Respect can be demonstrated in many ways. Listening to your Learning Coach, following directions, participating in Class Connect, encouraging classmates, arriving on time to classes and in person events are all ways to demonstrate respect.
Teachers and staff will encourage and watch for positive examples of following the schoolwide expectations. Teachers may give rewards to students that display OVCA attributes. OVCA encourages Learning Coaches to partner with teachers to watch for and reward positive behaviors.


When expectations are not followed, staff first remind students of the expectation. This may be a verbal reminder during an in-person event or Class Connect session or it may be an email reminder of a due date or other missed expectation.
Consequences will be implemented if the reminder does not result in the expectation being followed. Consequences may include contacting the Learning Coach, moving a student to a breakout room to refocus the behavior or locking the student’s account to remove distractors until an action is completed. Students may be removed from OVCA due to disciplinary action, lack of attendance or progress, failure to communicate with the assigned teacher, failure to participate in state- and district- mandated assessments or non-disclosure of an IEP or a combination of issues thereof.
Students may be reported as truant to the appropriate authorities, denied the request to re- enroll, be suspended or be expelled.


If your student receives a notice that his/her account has been locked, this is a request for immediate attention. A locked account means that school staff have repeatedly tried to contact the student or Learning Coach to discuss an important situation (such as missing a deadline, poor Class Connect attendance or failure to attend state testing), is not receiving a reply and the student is not complying with the requested action. Please complete the desired action (such as finishing the benchmark test, scheduling a meeting to set up a Back on Track plan or attending state testing) to have your account unlocked and resume working on other assignments. If you are unsure what action is needed to have your account unlocked, please contact your Community Family Advisor immediately.


Harassment or bullying in any form is not permitted at OVCA. Staff is provided with training regarding preventing identifying, responding to and reporting incidents of bullying. OVCA is committed to ensure all Learning Coaches and students are aware of the bullying prevention activities and the bullying policy. Class Connect sessions are held to educate students about bullying prevention. Students are encouraged to inform OVCA staff if they are the target of or a witness to bullying. “Bullying” means any pattern of harassment, intimidation, threatening behavior, physical acts, constant obscene language, verbal or electronic communication directed toward a student or group of students that results in or is reasonably perceived as being done with intent to cause negative educational or physical results for the targeted individual or group and is communicated in such a way as to disrupt or interfere with the school’s education mission or the education of any student. Bullying includes physical bullying, emotional bullying, social bullying, and/or sexual bullying. Bullying is not limited towards students; it can be towards staff or administration.
To make a report, students or Learning Coaches can contact the Community Family Advisor, counselor, principal or other school staff. All reports will be investigated and dealt with appropriately according to the OVCA Bullying policy and state law.



Students attending in person events should dress in a manner that is modest and does not create an unsafe or threatening environment. Specific dress code requirements may be set for special events such as Prom or graduation.


Students attending school events are subject to the school’s dress code. Threatening behavior, fighting, and inappropriate language will result in the parent being contacted immediately. No smoking, tobacco in any form, including e-cigarettes, alcohol or illegal substances are permitted at OVCA sponsored events. The student will be removed from the field trip until an authorized adult arrives for pickup and depending on the severity of the situation, the police may become involved immediately. Students may be suspended from attending in person events through a 3-strike policy for minor infractions. There is zero tolerance for severe infractions such as bringing a weapon, bullying or violating the drug free policy.


A student who uses, possesses, controls, or transfers a weapon, or any other object that can reasonably be considered, or looks like, a weapon at any school sponsored in person event including, but not limited to outings, prom, graduation, academic competitions, and testing shall immediately be expelled from OVCA. The expulsion may, however, be modified by the Head of School or designee on a case-by- case basis and the local criminal justice or juvenile delinquency system will be notified. A “weapon” means (1) possession, use, control or transfer of any firearm, (2) any other object if possessed, used or attempted to be used to cause bodily harm, including but not limited to, knives, brass knuckles, billy clubs, or (3) look-alikes of any of the weapons defined above. Items such as baseball bats, pipes, bottles, locks, sticks, pencils and pens may be considered weapons if used or attempted to be used to cause bodily harm. Self-protecting devices should not be brought to any in-person school sponsored event.


OVCA cares about the health of students, employees and patrons. Oklahoma Virtual Charter Academy is committed to a tobacco-free environment. The possession or use of tobacco products at all times while on school property, or at school sponsored events is prohibited. A student who uses or possesses a tobacco product at any school sponsored in person event including, but not limited to outings, prom, graduation, academic competitions, and testing shall immediately be expelled from OVCA. The local criminal justice or juvenile delinquency system may be notified. The expulsion may, however, be modified by the by the Head of School or designee on a case-by- case basis.


A safe environment includes an alcohol and drug-free environment. Sale, distribution, use, or possession of alcoholic beverages, controlled substances, illegal drugs, mood altering substances, or other materials expressly prohibited by federal, state, or local laws is not permitted on school property, or at school functions. The sale, distribution, or abusive use of prescription, patent, over the counter, or imitation drugs is not permitted. A student who violates this policy at any school sponsored in person event including, but not limited to outings, academic competitions, and testing shall immediately be expelled from OVCA, and the local criminal justice or juvenile delinquency system will be notified. The expulsion may, however, be modified by the Head of School or designee on a case-by-case basis.
OVCA prohibits the consumption, smoking, or possession of marijuana on any school property, during school, at any after or before school events and activities and in any vehicle transporting students for school purposes.

Prohibition of Gangs and Gang-Related Behavior or Incidents


Oklahoma Virtual Charter Academy (OVCA) recognizes that the possibility of the presence of the emerging gang-related behavior and gang-related incidents in our schools can create an atmosphere of intimidation and harm. The mere presence of such condition can be disruptive and potentially dangerous. It is therefore, the policy of OVCA that gangs and gang-related behavior or incidents are prohibited at any OVCA school activities or events.
Violation of Policy:
Students who violate this policy shall be subject to disciplinary action or may be subject to the filing of criminal charges depending upon the severity of the infraction. Students who violate this policy may be suspended.
Notification of Suspected Gang Activity:
Any school employee, as defined by subsection A of Section 650.7 of Title 21 of the Oklahoma Statutes, who has reason to believe that a child under the age of eighteen (18) years is involved in gang activity shall notify the person designated by the school district. Upon receiving such report, the person designated by the school district may report the matter to the nearest local law enforcement agency. The report may be made by telephone, in writing, personally or by any other method prescribed by the school district. A school district employee or contractor who, in good faith and exercising due care in the making of a report pursuant to subsection A of this section, shall be granted immunity from all civil or criminal liability which might be incurred or imposed by making such report.

This information is from the Board-approved OVCA Handbook for SY 2023-2024, revised August 2023.