Passion First: Focus on Strengths!


Focus on Strengths – We all have things that we do well. When we do what we’re good at, we perform better and get better results, which benefits both us and those around us. It is critical to play to our strengths and spend our time doing what we’re best at in order to create the most value. It is also important to know that our strengths are much more than what we do well, as they also include the situations in which we thrive and the people with whom we’re at our best. Understanding all these strengths will multiply our successes.  


Parents and LC’s: 

Do recognize your child’s strengths and passions. Children (of course) like to be complimented on what they do well. Often, they concentrate on their weaknesses and miss opportunities to feel proud of their accomplishments. It is best to focus on the things they can do well. Some children are more athletically inclined, some are detail oriented, some are great communicators, some are highly artistic. Recognizing these strengths in your child and praising them helps encourage them to continue. 


#OVCA7Mindsets #SELschool #passionfirst #7mindsets #focusonstrengths Source: 7 Mindsets