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What grades are offered by Oklahoma Virtual Charter Academy?

OVCA offers Kindergarten through 12th grades.

What subjects will my child study?

Language arts, math, science, and history are the core courses for grades K-8. A full academic program for grades 9-12 is also offered by OVCA. 

Does OVCA provide textbooks and other instructional materials?

Yes. We provide all the textbooks and instructional materials that are needed to complete the program. These books and materials are sent directly to students. Common household items and office supplies like printer ink and paper are not provided.

Will my child have the same graduation opportunities as students in traditional public schools?

Yes. We are a public charter school in Oklahoma. Beginning with the 2012-2013 school year, students can earn a diploma through our authorization by the Statewide Virtual Charter School Board, based upon successful completion and mastery of course content.

Will my child be able to work at his or her own pace?

The K-8 program is partially self-paced and flexible within the parameters specified by state law. The high school program is a combination of self-paced work and scheduled lessons and activities. Students are expected to achieve at minimum a year's academic growth in a year's time.

Will you be able to meet the needs of my academically gifted child?

Yes. We provide identified gifted and talented children the opportunity to join in person and virtual enrichment opportunities to supplement the challenging K12 curriculum. An annual gifted education plan is written for each gifted student to monitor long term educational plans for advanced course placement and monitor individual student goals. The gifted teacher works to ensure the individual needs of each gifted student are being met throughout the entire school year. If you feel your child may qualify for the gifted and talented program at OVCA please contact the Gifted and Talented Resource Coordinator at 405.259.9478.

How much time do students spend on the computer?

Students in the early grades generally spend no more than 20-25 percent of their time on the computer. While attendance, planning, and assessment are all recorded online, only about 30 percent of the K-8 lessons are taught online. We believe in a balanced approach toward education. Computers act as powerful tools that can motivate, stimulate, and inform children about the world around them. Computers do not, however, replace a solid education; rather, they help facilitate one. That's why we use a unique multimedia approach that also includes a great deal of well-written and designed textbooks, workbooks, and hands-on instructional materials.

What does it cost to attend Oklahoma Virtual Charter Academy?

Since OVCA a public charter school, there is no tuition to attend. However, students and families are required to have daily access to a computer and Internet. 

How do students interact socially?

Throughout the year, students are invited to participate in school outings and activities, which may include trips to museums, zoos, and clubs. We expect local clusters of students and parents to get together on a regular basis in their areas. We are also exploring new ways to interact socially using the powerful reach of the Internet. With online discussions and groups, new types of communities can be formed that are based not on geography but on shared interests.

Will this program intrude into my home?

There are no home visits as part of the program and there are no cameras or any other intrusions into your home. This school was created to help your child obtain a first-class education and to serve your family's needs. If you ever feel that it is not right for your family or your child, you can withdraw your child at any time.

What should I do before the first day of school?

Set up computer and internet in the home for daily access to the online school. (If your student qualifies to receive a loaner computer from OVCA he/she cannot wait to start school until that is received. Alternate computer access must be provided in the interim)
Log into the Online School at or if student is in grades 9th-12th log in at
Create a Student Account - Click here for directions
Learn how to Use the Online School - Click here for directions
Download the Blackboard Connect Launcher - Click here to download
Log Into Blackboard Connect and practice. Checking your audio is a great way to ensure the student is all set. Click here for directions
Check Computer Requirements - Click here to check
Be sure you write your student ID# down- you will need to know it. Student ID can be found in the Learning Coach account. Click here for directions

What do I do if my internet goes down?

OVCA understands technology can be inconsistent due to weather, technology glitches, or service providers. However, it is imperative for all families to create a plan when technology doesn't work properly.

As soon as you become aware you are not able to log in, contact your Community Family Advisor or call the OVCA office.
Find another location to school such as neighbor's house, local library or eatery with free internet. This will allow the student to continue to attend online classes and complete online assignments.

Each week, print off/review the entire week's assignments. You may work offline in workbooks/texts and log in completed work when back online.
Connect with families on Facebook/Social media to stay aware of any updates/tips to online schooling.
If internet will be out for longer than 2 days, you MUST contact your OVCA teacher or Community Family Advisor to create a plan for your student. We want to work together so your student doesn't fall behind in coursework and continues to be successful in this environment.

How do I return my school issued computer, materials, or curriculum?

Once the student has withdrawn, K12 reclamations will send an email with return labels and a list of what needs to be returned. The parent/learning coach will need to provide their own boxes for shipping if the original K12 boxes were not saved.

The shipping will be free if the return labels are used for the return If you have any additional questions please contact the administrative office at 405-259-9478.
More Information on returning materials can be located here -

How do I change my phone number and/or address on file at OVCA?

Knowing that two way communication is essential to the partnership of success for OVCA students, we want to ensure we have current contact information for the parent/LC/student year round. Please call the administrative office at 405-259-9478 and speak with the registrar to update your contact information. 

You may also update your information by logging into the learning coach account and clicking "my account" and editing the information there. Directions for updating your information in "my account" can be located here:
**Proper proof of residence will be required in order to update address information.  Such documentation may include proof of utilities (ie gas, electric or water/sewer billing), payment of ad valorem taxes, local agreements or contract for purchasing/leasing housing, or mortgage statements. Utility cut-off notices, telephone or cable bills cannot be accepted.

How do I withdraw my student from OVCA?

OVCA enjoys working with all students. We understand the virtual option is not the perfect fit for everyone. If you need to withdraw your student you will want to contact your Community Family Advisor. He or she will collect the necessary information from you in order to process the withdraw paperwork. Once the withdraw has been processed you will be sent packing labels for you to ship back the curriculum and materials at no charge to you.

How do I order K12/OVCA clothing and other gear?

OVCA may also hold fundraisers during the school year selling OVCA specific gear and clothing items. Keep an eye out for communication sent in email for when those sales may occur. We will post information specific to the purchase of gear here.

How can I change my Online School (OLS) username and/or password?

You can change your Learning Coach or student’s username or password in My Account. My Account is accessible through the Online School (OLS). Learn how to update your username and/or password here.

When is State Testing?

The state testing window will be set by the OSDE in the fall. Exact testing dates and locations will be communicated closer to the testing window. The OSDE normally assigns a testing window in the month of April.

What is DIBELS?

Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literary Skills (DIBELS) are a set of standardized individually administered measures of early literacy and development.  They were designed and created as a way for teachers and parents to regularly monitor the development of pre-reading and early reading skills.  DIBELS provides a clear picture of students’ literacy skills and allows teachers to identify areas in need of more assistance and direction. DIBELS will be administered to students at three times during the course of the school year: at the beginning of the first semester, in the middle of the school year, and at the end of the second semester. These assessments will be administered using Blackboard Collaborate where students will meet one-on-one with their teacher to complete them independently.  Struggling readers will have additional assessments through the year.  Regular reading assessment of students is required by the No Child Left Behind Act and by the Oklahoma Department of Education and full participation in these assessments was agreed to during enrollment.

Click HERE to view a video created by OVCA teachers about the DIBELS test.

What is the Reading Sufficiency Act (RSA)?

The purpose of the Reading Sufficiency Act (RSA) is to ensure that all Oklahoma students are reading on grade level at the end of third grade.  RSA supports Oklahoma children in Kindergarten through third grade.  The Reading Sufficiency Act (RSA) took effect in the 2013-2014 school year and involves the promotion of third-grade students based on reading scores. The Reading Sufficiency Act (OS 70-1210.508C) will require students with a reading deficiency to not be promoted unless reading deficiency is remediated by end of the third grade unless the student is exempt for good cause.  The results of the Oklahoma Core Curriculum Test (OCCT) are the initial determinant of promotion to the fourth grade; however, they are not the sole determiner of promotion.

What is a Learning Coach?

A Learning Coach (LC) is the responsible adult in the home monitoring each OVCA student daily. The LC ensures the student completes the required daily work (both online and offline), attends online class connects (Live instruction), and communicates with OVCA staff. The LC actively communicates with OVCA teachers and staff as often as necessary to ensure the student is actively engaged in the learning process. The LC does not have to be the parent or guardian, but it must be a responsible adult that is able to work with the student daily.

How can I get organized for the upcoming school year?

Preparing for the upcoming school year may look different for each and every family but is still very important.
Important things to consider as you and your student are getting organized include:
Where will the student school in the home? Is the space a shared space? If so where will the materials be stored during non schooling hours?
Are there minimal distractions near this schooling space?
Does the student have a desk?
Internet and Computer Access?
Another important piece to begin planning and getting organized is what the schedule will look like each day for the student. Until you see the live class schedule for your student you may not be able to finalize this perfectly, yet you can still determine a start time, end time, lunch time, etc. for your student each day.

How to create Successful Routines and Schedules

Routines are essential to successful online schooling. Some examples of routines are:
Set time every day your student should be logging into school
Morning routines-IE: log in, check your plan, look for CC’s that day, set reminders on phone for when CC’s start
Weekly routines-IE: every Monday check all classes for what is due that week; highlight priority items or items with specific deadlines, use a online planner or write it down in one place that you can check off as you go.
Learning Coach routines – IE: daily check ins with student via text, IM, call; LC set aside 15-30 minutes each week to review progress and grades-maybe every Wednesday or Friday.
Set up a reasonable schedule for your student to follow. Some examples of schedules are:
School every day M-F from 9am – 3pm with a lunch break. Remove distractions if need be so student stays on schedule.
Schedule the first hour of Monday morning to be “Organize Your Week Time”-student should quickly review each course announcements and plan for the week. Write down all assignments and lessons that are due that week in one place. Include one CC session per week in each core subject.
For more tips and tricks on getting organized you may can contact your Community Family Advisor.

Is OVCA on Facebook?

Yes, we have multiple pages to meet the needs of OVCA families. The first place to connect with us on Facebook is

How can my student meet other students at OVCA?

Community Family Advisors will work to help coordinate school planned events throughout the school year where students and LC's have the opportunity to meet each other and meet teachers/staff in person. These events will be sent through your Community Family Advisor. Attendance is optional, but we highly encourage families to attend and become part of the bison family!

Outside of school planned events OVCA families may plan their own co-op's or activities. LC's may connect on the OVCA social media sites, in person, or during Parent Workshops online. The family directory also helps families near each other connect.

Where Can I Find the Most Recent OK State, School Report Cards?

Under the ESSA, beginning with information from the 2017-2018 school year, report cards must be posted annually on district websites. (ESEA section 1111(h) (1) (A), (B)(iii) and (h)(2)(A), (B)(iii)). At the core of the Oklahoma School Report Cards is the belief that all students can grow, and all schools can improve. While no student report card tells the full story of a child, no school report card tells the full story of a school. Education is far more than a single score or letter grade, but it is important that families and communities can see both strengths and areas that need support and improvement. Please find the OK state dashboard, here: