Attitude of Gratitude - Be More Grateful

Be More Grateful- We all have the choice to focus on the good or the bad in life. If we focus on the positive things, they expand and guide us down the path to our dreams. If we spend our time in regret, jealousy, and anger, then the negatives multiply, and we likely find our dreams sidelined and our goals unattained. We must simply be more grateful, reflecting as much as possible on the good things we have in our lives now, as well as those that are coming to us.  


Parents and LC’s: 

Do write a thank-you note to your children for what you appreciate about them. For example, you might write and leave a note that says, “Thank you so much for picking up your room today without me even asking. You are an incredible kid, and I am so thankful to have you in my life!”  

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