CC Schedule

Live Instruction

Live instruction taught by Oklahoma state certified teachers is a core foundation of the academic support provided at OVCA. Class connect sessions are interactive sessions in NewRow focusing on helping each student master grade level objectives. The classes allow students to interact with peers and teachers.

Live instruction assignments are based on individual student academic needs. Therefore, student schedules may differ based on student performance and teacher. All math and English courses are offered four times a week in the morning and afternoon. Science and history are offered twice a week in the morning and afternoon. Electives are offered once a week each and may be in the morning or the afternoon. There are also opportunities to schedule time to meet with a teacher individually or in a small group. Teachers may also request that students meet outside of normal class time to review progress. All students across OVCA will have a common lunch period of 11:30-12:30. During this time, there may be club offerings or other social events so students can interact with their peers. 

For specific questions regarding which required live instruction sessions your student is assigned to attend please contact your homeroom or course teacher. Course teachers will communicate each students schedule to them throughout the school year based on data such as class grade, engagement and interim test scores.