7 Mindsets Week of December 6-10: Make a Difference

Make a Difference - The easiest and quickest way to feel better and become happier is 
to help someone else. Similarly, the best way to bring more good things into our lives is 
to start giving. When we do this, we create value with our lives and begin to receive 
value in return. In order to start or expand the flow of abundance in our lives, we must 
simply start making a difference every day in every little way that we can.  


Parents and LC’s: 

Don’t ignore opportunities to help in the community and around the world. There are 
several ways to give, both financially and physically. Sometimes it might just be an 
afternoon of helping an elderly neighbor, but the impact on your child lasts forever. 
Find ways to help others so that you can leave that legacy for your children. They need 
to see “Live to Give” in action to know what it can look like.  


#OVCA7Mindsets #SELschool #livetogive #7mindsets #makeadifference 
