7 Mindsets Week of Dec 13-15


Receive Gracefully

One of the hardest things for people to deal with when they start 
living their dreams is that they’re uncomfortable receiving the new and wonderful things 
that come into their lives. They may not feel worthy or know how to react. As a result, 
when opportunity knocks or people want to help them, they shut the door and don’t allow 
themselves to accept what the universe is offering them. The problem is that these gifts 
could be a source of joy, fulfillment, and opportunity to their lives. If we don’t receive 
gracefully, we cut off the cycle of giving and limit our own potential. 


Parents and LC’s: 

Don’t refuse help from others. Often, we are reluctant to let others take care of us. 
Some of us just aren’t comfortable receiving gracefully. If this is something you struggle 
with, work on just saying “thank you” when someone offers to do something for you or 
compliments you. Understanding the power of not just giving, but also receiving will 
prepare you for all that living your dreams will be sending your way.  

#OVCA7Mindsets #selschool #livetogive #7mindsets #receivegracefully 
