7 Mindsets: Month of January Focus is Everything is Possible


We are launching the fifth part of our 7 Mindsets curriculum onWednesdayJanuary 6thThe Everything Is Possible Mindset teaches that we are all capable of living extraordinary lives. Students learn that everything which exists today was once just an idea until someone believed it was possible and took the actions to make it into reality. This is true with our lives as well – they become, in many ways, whatever we expect them to be.  

Live to Give- Weekly Learning Objectives: 

  • Jan. 5-7Dream big. 
  • Jan. 10-14Embrace creativity. 
  • Jan. 18-21Think positive. 
  • Jan. 24-28Act and adjust. 


Parents and LC’s: 

Don’t be a dream snatcher. The fact that kids are dreaming is what’s important, not the content of their dreams. Resist the urge to give your children reality checks, no matter what their dreams are. Dreams are precious, and they represent the hopes and expectations we have for our lives. Every dream and positive vision of the future that your children have should be encouraged. Their dreams will inevitably change, but what matters is that they’re dreaming and believing. Constantly push your children to dream bigger, and never be the doubter or pessimist. 


SEL LC Newsletter for Everything is Possible 

#OVCA7Mindsets #SELschool #everythingispossible #7mindsets 
