7 Mindsets Week of Jan 5-7

Dream Big – People who achieve the most in life realize that the greatest limitations are those they place on themselves. This applies to success in school, business, fitness, the quality of our relationships, and our impact on the lives of others. Dreaming big is about raising our expectations for our lives, because when we do, the future becomes bigger and brighter.  


Parents and LC’s: 

Do celebrate risk-taking and failure. One great practice at the dinner table is to ask your child what they “failed at that day” or what didn’t go very well. Rather than focusing on the mistake or loss, ask them to consider how they can grow from it, what they learned, what new skill could be developed, what relationship would be created or expanded, etc. Congratulate them for trying and point out that the people who succeed are those who take risks and fail, so your kids are in good company and on their way. 


#OVCA7Mindsets #SELschool #everythingispossible #7mindsets #dreambig 
