7 Mindsets Week of January 10-14: Embrace Creativity

Embrace Creativity – The only time we are creating new things in life is when we’re being imaginative and innovative. If we want new experiences and things we’ve never had, we must do things we’ve never done. This could be reading a book to acquire new knowledge, debating a topic with a friend, or trying a new activity. Life can only change and expand through creative action! 


Parents and LC’s: 

Do celebrate and support innovation and creativity in the home. Whether it’s through crafts, play or games, seek opportunities for your children to tap into their imaginations and creative capacity. One major concern with access to technology and devices is our children’s inability to be bored. Boredom has long been the source of innovation and creativity. Create more space in your child’s life and push them to innovate and create. The capacity to use boredom to their advantage will benefit them for the rest of their life.  


#OVCA7Mindsets #SELschool #everythingispossible #7mindsets #embracecreativity 
